My Grandfather was an honourable man.
He told me that if I did not learn something every day of my life, I could end up going backwards. He was a Master Painter and Signwriter and he took pride in every thing he did. As a Freemason, he was Grand Master of the Lodge of Rectitude, and his word was his bond. He wore lace-up boots and was impeccably groomed. He never hit anyone and his razor strap was only ever used for sharpening his razor.
He loved, and positively encouraged everyone that came in contact with him.
There are some other people that one encounters, that have never met, nor been influenced by such a man. Perhaps they may have, but never recognized, positive spirit, positive energy, positive human endeavours that influence and support the growing, developing spirit of little ones and those who foster, nurture and bless them. Such beings can act like the snake, attempting to win their way in the universe by bringing others down. Down to their level.
If one is sometimes at a low point in life, let it not be that one has allowed themself to be reduced to another's low level. Recognize the negative, human emotions that others may display and never let them beat you by succumbing to their anger, hatred, jealousy nor retribution. You could end up inside the snake who will just lie in the sun and dream of her next victim.
Hmm great philosophy there which i shall certainly be remembering and heeding. Or...are you just...trying to scare me again with that pic of the snake, M. Benaut? LOL.
eeeww. I came to see what beauty would grace me on your site today and now I am standing on my chair! I am with Lynn.. for the most part girls do not like snakes!
On another note, my mother always told me that if you let someones negativity affect you then they have control over you and your behavior. I try to keep those words in mind when dealing with difficult "snakes/people".
Thank you for the words.
Sage words from mon cher mari ce soir.
We lost a little sugar glider tonight - a harmless little possum who eats lillipillies and acorns; the victim of another predator. I'm quite upset about that.
Never be frightened of snakes girls, you should visit Australia Zoo and Terri and Bindi will set you straight. Crikey!
thanks but no MME! My older brother fixed me for life with snakes. I have been enjoying catching up on your posts!
I like reading your blog and interesting photo of the snake.
Your grandpa was a wise, wise man. I've met a few snakes in my life!
M.Benaut thnaks for warning me about the photos that disappeared from my blog. I´ll try to fix it later.
I liked the words of your post today but I could barely look at the photo, I hate snakes so much I can´t even stand the look of them. Sorry!
See what you've done, M. Benaut
frightened all we girls away! However will you entice us back?
M. Benaut, I was quite afraid of snakes in my girlhood, but as an adult I am learning to appreciate them. However, if this one were to visit me in my yard, I might jump onto the roof!
Thank you for sharing your memories of your grandfather. And thank you for the reminder to not be overpowered by the negativity of others.
Great post and great idea's. love the snake analogy.
It is a good photography, congratulations
Nice post - yes you are so right on with this.
What a wonderful wonderful portrait of your grandfather - he seemed such an inspiring man. Lucky you.
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