Bien que ce ne soit pas encore officiellement hiver, dans Adelaïde, nous trouvons les conditions humides et froides.
Le dernier mois a été une période qui essayerait sa patience un peu. Par conséquent je suis vous montrant comment Adelaïde regarde un jour heureux et ensoleillé.
Even though it is not yet officially Winter, in Adelaide, we have been experiencing cold and wet conditions.
The last month has been a time that would try one's patience a little bit. Therefore I am showing you how Adelaide looks on a happy and sunny day.
Here is King William street BEFORE the construction of the new tramline extension. You will see the results when the sun is shining again.
Beautiful boulevard and flowers
A remarkably clean-looking city. I did notice the clock tower because it looks exactly like the tower on the Darke County Court House in Greenville, Ohio. I am happy you are entering winter and not us. We are entering into summer and after last winter it is deserved here.
Today—Their beaks close, their eyes shut and their heads flop over the edge of the nest. Learn about robins.
Nice perspective, no traffic jam! Here, in Brittany, after a very (anormaly) warm April, May is wet and cold...
Even your CITIES are pretty!
No fair, MB!
You can see a sequel sometime soon.
Monsieur le Président,
The tower is on the Adelaide Town Hall where the Beatles were received in 1964. They received the biggest reception of any town in the world on that occasion.
Il est très décevant pour voir de telles conditions de froid dans Arradon.
M. Dive,
Only because there are SO many pretty girls. (And they all know you are coming !!)
m.benaut, what a lovely summer feel to this photo, I'm not much of a winter lover myself either. I can relate to your longing for the warmer season...
J'ai parlé à ma belle-mère qui vit sur la côte de soleil du Queensland, aujourd'hui. Elle dit que tout le monde nage dans les eaux chaudes à ce moment de l'année.
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