Cette semaine a été une semaine de grande joie pour moi, mais elle a aussi été une semaine d'énorme tristesse.
Mon nouvel ami blogueur, le Français Denis Merlin, a vécu la plus terrible tragédie qui soit. Il a perdu sa fille Hélène et Ferdinand, le fils d'Hélène âgé de trois ans, dans l'incendie tragique de leur maison. Hélène était enceinte.
Nous devons prendre le temps de nous recueillir et de prier Dieu pour Denis et ses enfants qui sont maintenant près du Sauveur.
Prions, pour que Denis trouve la paix de Dieu dans son coeur et qu'il sache que nous pensons à lui chaque minute de nos jours.
Dès que je le pourrai, je remercierai tous les généreux amis français qui m'ont envoyé des messages et des suggestions au sujet de mon voyage en France.
Aujourd'hui, l'annonce de la mort de la fille de Denis, mort que j'ai apprise très récemment, a rempli mes yeux de larmes.
This week has been a week of great joy for me; but also, it has equally been a week of enormous sadness.
My new blog-friend, Denis, in France, has suffered a most terrible tragedy. He has lost his beautiful daughter, her little boy of three years and her baby, in-utero, in a tragic house fire.
Therefore, we all must take the time to pray to God, for Denis and his beautiful children who are now with their Saviour.
We pray that he will find the peace of God in his heart and that he knows that we are thinking of him, every minute of our days.
When there is the opportunity, it will give me pleasure to thank, all the generous people in France, who have sent me messages and suggestions on the subject of my voyage to France.
Today, There are too many tears in my eyes.
A heartbreaking tragedy.
Our thoughts are with Denis and his family.
Pour l'instant je ne trouve pas de mots qui consolent. Je pleure avec vous. Toutes mes pensées vous à Denis et a sa famille.
C'est vraiment très généreux de votre part, M. Benaut, de vous asocier au malheur qui frappe cette famille.
Like Nathalie, I cry with you. This is the most awful thing to happen and i cannot begin to imagine the sorrow. I hardly even dare. I am so terribly sorry, Denis - these words are inadequate i know.
M. Benaut i wish i shared your confidence to pray to God - at these times i just can't imagine why a God lets such things happen. Instead i send my virtual hugs - all i have.
Qu'elle tragédie, perdre ses enfants, il n'y a pas de mots pour exprimer ma tristesse, je suis de tout coeur avec Denis et prie aussi pour lui.
I am so so very sorry for your loss...
Tu nous raconte une histoire bien triste ce matin, d'autant qu'elle est vraie. Quelle tragedie pour cet Homme de perdre son enfant et les enfants de son enfants. Je m'associe à ton chagrin. Courage à toit et surtout à Denis !
Just back for a hug: just wanted to let you know that I'm with you, thinking of Denis and his family a lot.
Hélène et Ferdinand sont en photo sur ce site :
À Dive, et à toutes mes plus chères amies,
As you can all see, so clearly, this has stopped me in my tracks.
It was dear Marie, who first alerted me to this sad fact.
I am blessed to have friends like you, and let us all hope that Denis will eventually find some peace in his heart.
There are no words to express such a sad event.
You can click on Marie's link, above, to see these beautiful people who are now at peace with God.
I am stunned to hear this news M B. I just cannot imagine the horror of it all. How does one ever cope with this? I guess the thoughts and love from his blogging friends all round the world may give Denis some peace.
my thoughts are with you Denis. Trust they are with God.
The little boy's eyes...they got me.
I am so sorry for your friend's loss, MB.
It's hard to comprehend the enormity of what has happened. I'm so very very sorry. Life sure ain't fair at times but then we know that.
Just sending my love and positive feelings to the bereaved and to you, Monsieur Benaut, who is obviously knocked for six by this.
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