J'ai pensé que notre ville toujours avait regardé la même chose. On ne note pas toujours des changements. Mais, par l'objectif d'un appareil-photo, on peut voir comment les choses ont changé. J'étais un peu triste de voir moins de fleurs, mais c'est l'automne maintenant, la ville n'est pas assez colorée, comme elle avait été en été.
J'ai été déçu, ainsi j'ai pensé que je regarderais plus, autour de la Carré Victoria.
Before and After : After installing trams
I thought that our city had always looked the same. One doesn't always notice changes. But, through the lens of a camera, one can see how things have changed. I was a little sad to see less flowers, but it is the fall now; the city is not as colourful, as it was in summer.
I was a bit disappointed, so I thought I would look more, around Victoria Square.
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I like your photos. They kind of show us the "mood" of the city. Vous devriez nous montrer un peu plus votre beau tram!
I too prefer the flowers.
Your snap shots of daily life are always interesting and tell the real story of a city.
Hmm … Adelaide's looking more and more attractive as a place to live.
Or is it just a judicious choice of photographs that makes it seem like the whole place is populated solely by pretty young girls and ugly old men?
You were kind enough to show us your new trams in Montpellier, so I will respond with one of ours.
Jules, You can always put your orders in.
Dive, old son,
I hadn't noticed that there were any blokes in these shots but I am reading your mind !
Hi M. Benaut! I'm enjoying the tour of Adelaide you and the Mme. are taking us on. I haven't yet looked back very far but unlike Dive and the guy/girl ratio observation, I was wondering why everyone wears black and white. Maybe it's a city trend there.
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