Les jeunes messieurs établissent un abri aux terminus du nouvel itinéraire de tram sur North Terrace, justes en dehors de l'entrée
à University of South Australia, City West Campus, sur un matin froid.
Sartorial splendour in the workplace.
Theses young fellers are building a shelter at the terminus of the new tram route on North Terrace, just outside the entrance to Uni S.A. City West Campus. Another warm photo on a cold morning.
It looks cold to me too. They look cold. The red fence is the only warm-looking thing in the picture.
Abraham Lincoln
—Me as Moses—
Hello and thank you for your comment on my blog. I added other photographs of Bamboo. With the pleasure of re-examining you on my blog. Axelle
Merci, Axelle,
Dear Friends,
I would like to present Axelle, our youngest blogger.
She lives in France, at Château-Gontier, and she is eight years old.
Please say hello to her at,
Il est merveilleux pour vous avoir dans notre famille, mademoiselle.
Thank you for following the links on my blog...the video of Château-Gontier is a good reflect of the real town...thank you also for your visit on Axelle blog....she's very proud to have visitors from the other side of earth.
As we are in summer is quiet difficult to think you are in autumn
With you permission, I would like to save the comments you made on me as Moses. Those are really neat.
Thanks for your visits to my blog.
Abraham Lincoln
—Me as Moses—
Monsieur le Président,
It would be a great honour to me, if you were to use my comments in the way that suits you well.
(Especially if the gentlemen at the feed store would improve the discount offered !!! )
Your Theme Day Self Portrait was magnifique. Merci.
So THAT's what happened to ZZ Top.
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