Ce vieil hôtel appelé "l'Austral", a été construit en 1879. Quelques ans après, "les Onze du Gouverneur", ont défié les Anglais visitants à un jeu de cricket sur l'ovale d'Adelaïde.
À la fin du jour, ils se sont assiss à un dîner splendide à l'Austral.
Quand ils avaient consommé tout le vin, le Gouverneur a été forcé d'envoyer sa domestique de bonne, à la Maison du Gouvernement pour rapporter un autre baril de vin.
Le cheval et la charrette sont retournés avec le nouveau baril, mais tous les domestiques ont été bus. Le baril est tombé à la terre et tout le vin s'est renversé sur la route. Le bruit fort a effrayé le pauvre cheval. Le cheval à precipité loin et l'domestique de bonne ont été tué par les roues de fer. Aujourd'hui, le fantôme d'Angela Costain, vit à l'Hôtel Austral, dans Rundle Street.
This old hotel called "The Austral", was built in 1879. A few years later, the "Governor's Eleven", challenged the visiting Englishmen to a game of cricket on Adelaide Oval.
At the end of the day, they sat down to a splendid dinner at the Austral.
When they had consumed all the wine, the Governor was forced to send his Maid Servant to Government House to bring back another barrel of wine. The horse and dray returned with the new barrel, but all the servants were drunk. The barrel fell to the ground and all the wine spilled on the road. The loud noise scared the poor horse. The horse bolted, and the Maid Servant was killed by the iron wheels. Today, the ghost of Angela Costain, lives at the Austral Hotel, in Rundle Street.
Great story, MB.
And a classic little beaut of a Victorian hotel. It's wonderful to see the care you take of your historic buildings down under.
Not so sure what message the building on the left is giving us, however.
You will notice by the street sign that it's on the corner of Bent Street.
I have spent many a long night at the good ole Austral, (also known as the Nostril). The ghost of Angela Costain is still lurking and many old market patrons have heard and seen her.
In the late 60's and early 70's the "Ladies Lounge" was known affectionately as the "Snake Pit".
The place has a million and one stories. That was just one of them, that I researched at the South Australian Archives and elsewhere.
Hee hee. It sounds a really cool place.
Nice shot (I like these buildings with colonial style), and very interesting story. Thank you
Well, I must say that I like the photograph you took of the hotel. It is very good. I also like your tale about the hotel. I feel sorry for the maid who perished in the tale and have no doubts that she is still trying to figure out what happened.
Abraham Lincoln
Now You Know Where Flowers Go
I like this... Simple picture, interesting story to go with it :)
isn't it always the maidservant who looses out
Australian pubs seem to attract ghosts. You could do a whole series just on that.
I didn't know the Austral had such an interesting story about it! Must tell it to friends the next time we visit there. Some of them might even start a search-party for Costain!!
I didn't know the Austral had such an interesting story about it! Must tell it to friends the next time we visit there. Some of them might even start a search-party for Costain!!
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