Adelaïde est chanceux en ayant une caserne de pompiers moderne.
Leur équipement est très hi-tech et ils peuvent répondre et arriver à un feu en moins de 5.5 minutes.
Espérons que nous n'avons pas besoin d'eux trop souvent.
The Metropolitan Fire Service's Adelaide Fire Station in Wakefield Street has 130 firefighters providing prevention and preparedness, emergency response and recovery services.
It has 9 fire appliances ranging from Heavy Duty Pumpers and Rescue Units, to a Breathing Apparatus Vehicle and multi-storey Hydraulic Platform Appliances.
Their response time averages 5.5 min. The original Fire Station was opened in 1882.
5.5 minutes on average for turning up on the spot? Pretty good! What with peak hour traffic? Or perhaps there's no peak hour traffic in ADL? LOL
Just because your huge snowy mountains seem so small to French folk, doesn't mean that you can poke fun at Adelaide traffic, Nathalie.
Some people even look both ways before crossing a street nowadays. Luckily we don't need a chap walking ahead of an automobile with a red flag waving any more. Those days are nearly gone !!!
Very modern building. Firefighters have a lot of work in southern France for the moment. Lots of fire in la garrigue. Quel dommage.
Wow! That's a great shot, MB.
But where are all the lovely hunky firemen?
Hee hee hee.
There are eleven towns in France called La Garrigue.
Do you mean the one called La Garrigue, Oppède, to the east of Nîmes?
M. Dive,
I will not disappoint you. Just be a little patient, mon ami.
Quite an impressive building and i love the slant!
That Adelaide fire station os one of the most impressive I've seen anywhere. We've got a pretty cool one here in my suburb I;ll post some day.
That is an impressive fire station and the statistics are also interesting.
Abraham Lincoln
Brookville Daily Photo
One must keep in mind, you can drive from one end of Adelaide to the other in about 20 minutes!
And by "response", do you mean actually getting to the fire or getting those big red doors open? ;-)
The slant does make a much more visually interesting photo. I like it, too.
mmmmmmmm fireman. yummy.
M Benaut - Do your firemen produce a scantily clad calendar like they do in Queensland each year?? It is always very good on the eyes - they are so brave and so strong - yum!!! Maybe I should get one and sent a copy to Kate Isis and Dive!!!!
Very impressive indeed. It's always nice to see something pompier related.
HEY! You stole the slant that I stole from Cambridge DP Clobber! LOL! ;)
Where are all the HUNKY firemen!!???
Don't leave us HANGIN'!!!!
Thanks for the link - ooh la, la - very nice!!!
You won't believe it but this morning there was a fire in town - doesn't happen often and all very exciting. Hoping to post the photos tomorrow. did you jinx us????
Wow--it looks so modern! I like this and Tuesday's photo too, they both convey a lot of energy.
sorry I meant Monday's photo...
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