Combien de Bunyips se cachent dans cet étang ?
Pendant les dernières semaines, nous avons souffert le temps sauvage et la pluie forte. La côte est de notre pays a vu beaucoup de tragédies avec des inondations et même quelques décès très tristes.
Nos réservoirs de l'eau remplissent maintenant et la faune retourne. Peut-être, cette année nous pouvons voir la neige ? Je ne pense pas ainsi, mais on ne sait jamais.
How many Bunyips are hiding in this small pond?
During the past few weeks, we have experienced wild weather and heavy rains. The East coast of our country has seen many tragedies with floods and even some very sad deaths.
Our water reservoirs are now filling and wildlife is returning. Perhaps, this year we may see snow? I don't think so, but one never knows.
Okay, MB, for those of us who don't speak Strine, what on earth's a bunyip?
CRIKEY, Monsieur,
Are you really trying to tell me that y' dunno?
They are quite common in all the places that one has never been.
When you look at them, they stand stock still.
When you look away from them, they move.
To date, none have ever been captured.
Forget the Vatican Museum and the Louvre, they are only found in Oz, mate.
Does that help a little.
PS Sometimes they are heard but never seen.
When you get here, I'll take you to some likely spots.
It generally helps to have some refreshments available.
(This last sentence, translated into Latin, appears on the official Australian Coat of Arms).
Do you now feel a little better informed? - That's our job, you know, to promote Australia, mate.
M. Dive,
You have got me to thinking. There's a bit more to it than my feeble explanation.
I implore you to cast gaze upon this little lot.
The equivocations of the Gawler Humbug Society in this little article throw a gloom of light upon that which I was postulating.
Hop into this lot, it's actually very funny. I hope you enjoy!!
We have had very strong thunderstorms in the North of France too, with real downpours and floods...Not enough or too much all around this mad world.
Funny story, in a strange world full of sad news about weather.
Definate bunyip territory and a likely place to find them should you be so luckey.
With all of this rain filling up the ponds we might be facing a bunyip plague this season.
MB: Thank you so much. I had a raucous chortle at the website and am now far better informed.
Marvellous stuff.
bonne photo et bonne histoire. on peut pêcher dans ces etangs ?
good photograph and good story. one can fish in these ponds?
Bonjour encore, Dive,
I am so glad that you enjoyed this pièce.
As you may have guessed, I was saving the pièce de résistance until last.
To add more clarity to the previously forwarded information, I urge you to take a gander at the following.
I found that I was in serious pain at the half-way point with tears in my eyes.
Happy reading !!! (and I urge everyone to read this).
I hope the storms have not hit Brittany. Your photos are telling me that you have beau temps this week?
Perhaps you live further north than Alice. Let us hope it is fine where you live.
Our bunyips are getting bigger as time goes by, but they are very hard to catch when they are little.
In summer the pond is empty; there is no water. But with a miracle, the little fish return when the rains come. We also have yabbies.
En été l'étang est vide ; il n'y a aucune eau. Mais avec un miracle, les petits poissons retournent quand les pluies viennent. Nous avons également des yabbies.
Regardez ici....
slippery little suckers huh?
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