Les temps à Adelaïde, récemment, et particulièrement sur la côte est de l'Australie, a été très Hivernal.
Cette photographie montre cela ce que mon esprit indique à moi;- la tête la première et vers l'arrière.
This isn't the temporary pool at the Eiffel Tower, nor Paris Plage (beach). Perhaps a photo from the future?
The weather in Adelaide, recently and especially on Australia's eastern seaboard, has been very Wintry.
This photo indicates what my mind is telling me, 'headfirst and backwards'.
I love this shot because sprinkling of water give the idea of the dive
it's original!! great shot!!
what a great shot! splash!
Love it Clobber! Just got back from the pool...my little guy is a fish! And Just who was that over-and-in person anyway?!?!? LOL! ;)xo
LOL. That's not a greeat white shark looming up in the distance, is it?
Say Happy Birthday to The Queen in Sydney! http://sydneynearlydailyphot.blogspot.com/
Well, one's spirits certainly would be dampened a bit after that little splash! Quite funny!
Ah ah! I'm sure it is not in the Golfe! Here, we have to wait the sea becomes a bit warmer...or to slip a dive suit on! M.Benaud, you can translate "headfirst" in "la tête la première", so a literal translation.
Nice shot Mr. Benaut!
It is freezing here in Brisbane too!
Maraï from Brisbane
M.Benaut this photo is fantastic! One of the best I've ever seen!
love this shot, the bright blue flippers, the island in the background, and most of all the big splash!
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