Donnant sur une des nombreuses vallées dans Aldgate, on voit la brume tôt de matin de notre maison. Il doit être temps d'alimenter les oiseaux, ils exigent extrêmement
et on pourrait régler une horloge par eux. Ils sont si ponctuels, - et affamé.
It's no longer 'theme day', but here is our view each morning.
Overlooking one of the many valleys in Aldgate, one sees the early morning mist from our house. It must be time to feed the birds, they are extremely demanding and one could set a clock by them. They are so punctual, - and hungry.
Great photo and great view!!
Four days late but worth waiting for, what an outstanding view! Love the morning mist.
So you feed the birds, do you?
It would be fascinating to compare bird species with one Mr Abraham Lincoln of Ohio!
c'est tres beau, tu donnes directement dans la jungle. c'est vraiment superbe, cela doit donner envie ce se lever
it is very beautiful, you give directly in the jungle. it is really superb, that must give desire this for rising
Monsieur B. That is so beautiful. You are very lucky indeed.
See that little fork in the tree. Sometimes there is a baby koala having a snooze there. I feed the birds, M.B does so only very occasionally.
We have: yellow tailed black cockatoos, galahs, adelaide rosellas, jaba geese, wild black duck, blackbirds, currawongs, kookaburras, magpies, ravens, silver eye finches, red eared firetail finches, mt. lofty blue wrens, eastern spinebill honeyeaters, yellow honeyeaters, grey shrike-thrush and olive shrike-thrush and red throated wattle birds.
The bird life here is just wonderful but the magpies think they are part of the family and they all have names: 2 adult pairs: Mother & Roger and Missy & Fatso and this year's babies: Mina, Milly & Wally; last year's babies: Winnie & Willy & Maddie - the year before: Elroy & Leroy.
Watching the birds while I was bedridden at times during the last three and a half years helped to keep me sane!
You and mme. live in a really special and idyllic place. And besides this lovely view you get to see a koala every now and then! I´d love to see another pic of one of them!
Waow ! De la brume, ça c'est rare par ici en Western Australia. Je ne me rappelle pas en avoir vu. En fait, non, la seule fois, c'était la semaine passée, le vent faible poussait la fumée des pneus donutisés du Kwinana Motorplex. L'odeur m'a vite ramené à la réalité ! Il faudra que je fasse un post là dessus d'ailleurs. Je suis tombé sur Adelaide Daily via la maison mère, je veux dire ParisDailyPhoto. Je blogue aussi en bilingue et c'est bien chouette d'avoir les échos des photos dans les deux langues. Muy bueno !!
We are about as far away from the Trans Canada Highway as one could imagine, but it's wonderful to receive your nice comments and to welcome you here.
I hope it was worth the wait. Merci beaucoup. All we now need is a harbour brige, a harbour, a Pinchgut ,,,,,,,,,,
I would love to show you our birds, but they are so hard to get close to. I reckon that Monsieur le Président has just the right telephoto lens !!
Je crois que vous vivez près de la Seine. Peut-être vous avez une jungle là également ?
M. Dive,
Vous êtes bienvenu toujours à notre maison.
Désolé, je vous montrerai encore plus de trains, peut-être ? !! ?? !!
Welcome et bienvenu.
Je vois que vous êtes Suisse. Nous devons aller skier chez Verbier ?
I am very late in commenting, but this is absolutely beautiful. What a view!
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