Depuis que j'étais un petit garçon, j'ai aimé cet arbre. Quand j'étais petit, il flottait au vent son feuillage pendant que nous conduisions le long de la route entre Adelaïde et Victor Harbor. Aujourd'hui il a la dignité de Winston Churchill tandis qu'il m'observe de son position élevée sur la haute. Et une couleur semblable, peut-être ?
This tree has always been my friend
Ever since I was a small boy I have loved this tree. When I was small, it used to wave its foliage as we drove along the road between Adelaide and Victor Harbor.
Today it has the dignity of Winston Churchill as it observes me from on high. And a similar colour, perhaps ?
It makes me think of the dead trees I have seen in South Africa. The fact they keep dead trees standing "reflects" their idea of what death is. La mort n'est pas vraiment la mort pour eux, et ça se reflète, je trouve, dans le fait qu'ils gardent leurs arbres "morts" debout longtemps, des dizaines d'années parfois.
Do they do that in Australia also?
This tree is very old and and craggy like Winston with an apparent lean to the right.
A lovely landmark, Monsieur B.
Though somewhat slimmer than old Winston.
What a nice way to remember an old friend!
What a lovely old tree and I so enjoyed your musings on it. It will be a sad day when they take the tree down. I hope they don't.
Guelph Daily Photo, My Photos.
Hi M B - I'm baaaack - did ya miss me?? Good to be back and thanks for all your visits mon ami!!!!
HWDB and Benson are relieved I'm back i think.
Benson took one look at your Sascha and immediately fell in love and now wants to go live in Adelaide - oh dear - there is nothing worse than a love sick cat!!!!
No, Marie,
We don't get too concerned about such matters, nor attach great significance to dead things.
I reckon that most people would not even notice such a tree as this. I just happen to love this tree because it once saved my life; but that is another very long story !
J'aurai beaucoup de plaisir de vous dire l'histoire en septembre, quand je viens à Montpellier.
Pat, Michael and Dive,
I hope it won't be taken down, ever. One can't kill an old friend? even a dead one !
A lovesick pussy is worse than a lovesick cat. Just post him down for a week and we'll sort the whole thing out. Sascha has been fixed-up too. Glad I'm not a cat !!!
nice photo with a very blue sky. "Your" tree is very beautiful !
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