Tuesday 4 September 2007

Tempêtes de poussière en hiver

Adelaïde a vu août le plus chaud dans son histoire.
Voici la poussière dans l'air, qui souffle du Nord. Les fermiers n'ont pas eu de pluie et le sol riche emporte vers la ville.
Maintenant les fermiers nourriront les récoltes pauvrement développées, aux animaux, les maintenir en vie.

Dust storms in winter
Adelaide has seen the warmest August in it's history. Here is the dust in the air, that blows from the North. The farmers have not had rain and the rich soil blows away towards the city. Now the farmers will feed the poorly developed crops, to the animals, to keep them alive.


claude said...

In some areas of France, we had a lot of rain and some crops were under the floodings. Except Meditérranée Sea cost in the south we had the badest spring and summer we never had before. Farmers have always some troubles because of the weather, dry or rainy.

dive said...

Your "winter" August has been a lot hotter and drier than our "summer" August, Monsieur B.
Good luck with your next summer. Yikes!

Marie said...

This morning I read an article on the Internet about the fact that because of global warming in some parts of the world, more and more migrants will leave their countries to go to more friendly places. This summer was very rainy in some parts of France but where I live in the south, it did not rain at all and we need water!!!!!!!!


Hello Mr. BENAUT….still an effect of the climatic change

Monica said...

I´ve never seen a dust rain, seems like a terrible thing.
Hope it blows away soon.

Have a nive week M.&Mme.Benaut!

Monica said...

of course I mean, nice. have a nice week!

lyliane six said...

Ici c'est l'inverse, nous avons eu un été froid et pluvieux! il n'y a plus de saisons...

Michael Salone said...

Agree Lyliane...this summer has been horrible in France. Maybe we'll soon have the seasons that they have down under and they will get ours? So, who does the dusting chez M.& Mme.Benaut?

M.Benaut said...

Bonjour à tous mes amis français et à tout le monde. Il est très mauvais de voir tous ces changements stupides de climat. Il est plus mauvais, quand l'approvisionnement en eau est menacé.
Je vous dirai encore plus au sujet de notre printemps ce mois. J'espère que vous n'êtes pas trop humide et pas trop froid, dans votre hémisphère pendant cet été peu commun

Jules said...

Holy mackerel mon ami - what will summer be like ???

I think you and your goodly femme need to emigrate somewhere green with cool sea breezes, lots of palm trees and beer and........................

Scout said...

We have had our share of oppressive heat and lack of rain as well, although things began to turn around a couple of weeks ago, and the corn is now and looking healthy.