Aujourd'hui à Adelaïde nous constatons que les maisons modernes sont construites sans égard pour l'effet chauffant du soleil. Cela donne à l'entrepreneur, le plus grand profit. Si vous achetez cette sorte de maison, avec les fenêtres qui ne sont pas ombragées, en faisant face au soleil, alors, vous paierez beaucoup pour installer la climatisation à la fois comme cela.
Encore, il a fait 40° aujourd'hui !
Comme chère Marie m'a appris à dire, "Ils en ont marre" de cette chaleur !
Moi, il ne m'inquiète pas. Mars à Adelaide, - aucune inquiétude !!
Adelaide Houses
Today, in Adelaide, we are finding that modern homes are being built with no regard for the heating effect of the sun. This gives the builder, the greatest profit. If you buy this sort of house, with windows that are not shaded, facing the sun, then you will pay greatly for airconditioning at a time like this.
Most people are just sick of all the heat; 40° again today. Me, I reckon it's "cool".
March in Adelaide; - no worries !
Coming up on Sky News: Bush fires 'wreaking havoc, near Adelaide'. Hope you are okay, M et Mme? Thoughts are with you and i'm keeping an eye on the news for more. I hope it's still as you say and it's 'no worries' today!
Sadly, one house was lost near Willunga, yesterday, Lynn.
Today it was announced that the fire was deliberately lit.
There's another fire between Balhannah and Oakbank, which is about 10 miles from here.
Tomorrow, Saturday, will be cooler. About 38°C-100°F.
How lucky are we.
Gosh i'm glad to see you here, M. Benaut. That's close though and who needs arsonists at a time like that!
Sky News is being very annoying, having announced that, they don't follow up the report! It often happens, they shouldn't do it. Big announcement then... nothing.
By the way i've done the heads up to sue and Norm' so you should get a reply!
I have been talking to my travel agent today !
Must start practising my British accent !!!!
My grandmother used to say, 'Is this our traaarm , Saaarm ?'
Hey, that looks like America. I will confess to having a house with unshaded windows facing the son. We originally had at least five big trees all along the front, but they all died one by one because the builder buried the trunks during construction. It's a shame.
Builders sacrificing common sense in the name of profit?
Why, Monsieur! As a fellow architect you should know that could never possibly happen; building contractors and developers have the highest moral standards and would never stoop so low.
Hee hee.
Goodness, stay safe, Monsieur Benaut - you are expected here in September! Lovely house - stupid to build them incorrectly. I sold real estate when I lived in Cairns and some of the dreadful concrete boxes with no thru draft - shouldn't have been put up, frankly. As for that heat, climb into the fridge. I never did but wished I could when I lived in Cairns.
My home is very old and was built at a time when windows went nearly from ceiling to floor in order to get warmth from the sun in our long Winter months. This makes it not so fun in the summer when my bedroom takes a direct hit from the late afternoon sun and turns into a sauna.
Le profit, le profit, toujours le profit. L'envie de gagner des sous fait faire des bêtises à tout le monde.
Moi j'ai posté des photos de trams pour vous. J'espère que Mme Benaut va bien. Bon week-end !
Just for info: the tree in the foreground is a Norfolk Island Pine.
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