Aujourd'hui, il a fait 40°C à Adelaïde , - encore!
Cela a été la période la plus chaude d'Été depuis 1934.
Même les trams en ont assez. Ils sont malade de lui !
Today, it was 40°C in Adelaide.
It has been the hottest Summer period since 1934.
Even the trams are sick of it !!
Oooh i'm not sure i'd cope with that sort of heat. I'd camp out on the beach.
Oh ! 40° c'est beaucoup ! Over here, it is cold and very windy today.
You're melting, we have the worst storm for years and Robyn's under twenty inches of snow.
Whoever is in charge of the weather needs a damned good slap.
Thank you for telling us that, M. Benaut. Will look out for it. I shall put it on my blog too and suggest we all do the same.
I agree with Dive....whoever is in charge of the weather should be slapped silly. It should be getting cool and snuggle under the blankets weather.
hi.. im rizal from malaysia. nice to know u.
Howdy Rizal.
It's nice to see you in Adelaide; welcome. Sorry, I don't speak much Malaysian, but at KL airport everyone speaks pretty good English.
Lynn, camping à la plage, you bet, lady. Damn fine idea !!
Claude, quand tous des Départements de France sont si froid, on doit y aller; ci-dessous. We need more Frenchies !
Gypsy and Dive. Y'know; it was 40°C, (104°F) today, but in the hills at night, it's going to be 13°C.
We'll be slapping on the electric blanket !! How dopey is that!
It's the hottest spring I've known in Bangalore yet, M. Benaut. Around the same time that north India is facing the worst cold. Mumbai recorded its coldest day in over fifty years a few weeks back, and we're dying here in the heat. And it's not even summer yet.
Yes, each night when they have the national forecast, it is the same for Adelaide, day in, day out. It is impossible to imagine how heartbreakingly barren most parts of SA must look with the combination of sustained drought and the hottest summer for 70-odd years.
We had no summer here on the north coast of NSW...a long wet spring morphed into an early Autumn, or what passes for it here.
ooh la la, I just love all these pictures you post, so warm and friendly they are!
So how is the Queen of the faeries doing?
It is wet here in Seattle, but we did get a few nice days of sunshine in feburary which was rare. I am so excited to go work outside this year!
Take Care,
Ha, ha Proxima - welcome back! Don't you just love Maria's imagination?
Still hot here and no rain in sight. I did see a snake the other day though. A rare privilege some say. We gazed at one another and then she departed.
Je ne sais pas si ça les rend vraiment malades, mais "ils en ont marre" de cette chaleur !
Merci, Marie.
Il faut qu'on apprenne une nouvelle expression chaque jour.
Demain il fera 40°C de nouveau. Nous sommes bénits par Dieu.
J'espère que vos conditions deviennent plus chaudes, maintenant que c'est le printemps, - à Montpellier.
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