Le voyage de retour au Cap Jervis, à la fin d'un jour chaud et ensoleillé, était lisse et plaisant.
Le capitaine nous a invités sur la passerelle et a expliqué les
techniques du pilotage, et pour rendre le passage sûr d'autres bateaux.
Sur le radar, vous pouvez voir tous les deux, nous, et le navire porte-conteneurs qui nous a donné le passage sûr.
All good things come to an end.
The return trip to Cape Jervis at the end of a warm, sunny day, was smooth and pleasant.
The captain invited us onto the bridge and explained the techniques of piloting, and giving way to other vessels.
On the radar, you can see both us and the container ship that gave way to us.
More boys' toys.
Well I must say that I have only been on two ships. One was a troop ship that I shared with over 3000 other people and that wasn't a fun experience with everyone getting sea sick 3 to 5 levels below decks and almost that many people trying to get on deck to hang their head over the rail to vomit.
The problem was that most never made it to the deck but paused on each landing to attempt to vomit in one 55-gallon steel drum placed there by the ship's company. And not everyone made a sincere effort to hit the drum.
That made the odessey to the surface a little troubling as all these sick soldiers had to pass each of those steel drums to get to the surface and most never made it and those landings were an awful mess. Fortunately, for me, the first time I was seasick was just after passing under the Golden Gate Bridge in California and by the time the ship was out to sea past the coast line I got sick and my last meal came up and went over the side. I was just sick for three days after that and got well, so to speak, eating soda crackers.
Anyway, the other time was on the way to Iwo Jima and I was just sick as the landing craft ship had a round bottom and a tendency to roll in the ocean swells.
I liked your photograph this morning and it caused me to recall these incidents and write them down for you.
I also wanted to thank you for stopping at my blog and leaving a very generous comment there. It really made my day. I feel a bit overwhelmed.
Interesting back crossing ! I think t understand Abraham knows very well the question !I like the colours of the ship.
Dear m.benaut
I have enjoyed this visit to Kangaroo island tremendously. I sent many of my clients there but never managed to visit it myself so this was a real treat. Particularly loved your sunrise and Pennington beach shots. Wish you had showed us more wildlife. Some other time maybe?
Also very impressed by Abe's account of his passage to Iwo Shima with 3000 seasick soldiers. What an experience it must have been!
Thanks for your kind comments on my blog.I look fwd to your visit to France in 11 months time, I hope this gives us a chance to meet since we didn't manage to do it in Australia.
Chère Nathalie,
Je suis si satisfait que vous avez apprécié notre petit voyage à Île de Kangourou.
Nous sommes partis samedi matin et nous sommes revenus dimanche soir.
Le voyage rapide devait inspecter la maison de notre ami et compter également, le nombre de lits et de toutes les choses qui sont nécessaires pour les vacances d'été.
J'ai tondu les pelouses et Mme. a regardé dans les placards de cuisine, etc. Il est difficile de traduire les noms de toutes les petites choses qui ont dû à compté.
Nous avons fait un voyage aux régions que je vous ai montrées, parce que Mme. n'a pas été là auparavant.
La fois suivante, nous espérons attraper un peu de poisson et boire de la bière quand le temps fait plus chaud.
Ce soir, je posterai les deux photos finales.
Il était aussi bien drôle comme triste d'entendre l'histoire de 'Monsieur Président'.
La chose suivante à être faite, doit faire des plans pour notre voyage en France. Il va être magnifique de rencontrer tant de nouveaux amis et j'espère sincèrement que nous pouvons vous voir à Avignon.
Je vous apporterai beaucoup de photographies de la "Jonction de Bondi" et de Bondi RSL !!!! Pouvez-vous penser à autre chose ?
Great post - I like these photos very much.
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