Saturday, 25 October 2008

Les Châteaux de la Loire et alentours : 1

The morning of Friday 5 September had been enthusiastically awaited by Gavin and I for many months. We were to drive to the Châteaux de Chenonceau on the Cher, Amboise on the Loire, and Azay-le-Rideau on an island in the Indre.

The architecture and history of all les Châteaux de la Loire et ses alentours, make fascinating reading which can be spread over a lifetime of study, or less, if you want a Wikipedia overview.

From our gîte in Assay we drove through marvellous and lush agricultural countryside through Champigny-sur-Veude, L'Île Bouchard and Sainte-Maure-de-Touraine.
At Manthelan we paused for a café and a chance to walk around, to soak in the atmosphere of another picturesque, small ville.

After passing through Bléré, le Château de Chenonceau was truly magnificent.
Les jardins de Catherine de Médicis et Diane de Poitiers were brilliant also.

Time was our oppressor.

With time running out we felt negligent for not have planned more time at each stop; - a feeling that would pervade us all the way through the country until we sadly departed the south of France.

Travelling is always a fine balance between quality and quantity; - as I was rapidly discovering.
My next trip to France will concentrate on the former.

À ce beau pays et aux personnes chauleureuses et généreuses que j'ai rencontrés, je suis vraiment redevable.


M.Benaut said...

Just a couple of translations for those as detail-oriented as me.

Défense absolue de toucher aux fils électriques. Même tombés à terre. Danger de mort.

It's absolutely forbidden to touch the electric wires, even if they're on the ground. Death is pretty damn likely !

Un train peut en cacher une autre.

One train can hide another train.

Cheltenhamdailyphoto said...

he he love the translation of the first.