Saturday, 14 April 2007

Dominique et Jacques ont eu assez de travail dur. Getting out while their luck's in.

Sometimes, one has to visit the out-of-town office to check if the troops are bringing in the bacon.
However, the boys in the country office told me they were throwing-in the towel in July.
Crikey! What's the world coming to. At least we went to the pub and had this shot taken.

De temps en temps, il est fortement nécessaire de s'assurer que mon bureau, dans les endroits loin d'Adelaïde fait beaucoup d'argent.
Aujourd'hui j'ai rendu visite à mes deux chefs de service pour voir s'ils travaillaient fortement. (Ils vivent dans une jolie petite ville en France.)
Ils m'ont informé que le travail était trop difficile, et qu'ils ont voulu se retirer en juillet.
Il sera très regrettable de les voir partir des affaires.


Monica said...

Oh M.Benaut you'r e such a joker!!! But you know what, you all look great! Well, perhaps not Chirac...

M.Benaut said...

Thanks, Monica,
And to think that they wanted a pay rise in order to stay another term. I could not afford it. Sacre bleu !!

Cheltenhamdailyphoto said...

he he lookin' GOOD! What a great ruse, i love it, M. Benaut.

Michael Salone said...

Crikey! (had to use that word...) you hang with some pretty influential people. I hope you did their performance appraisal while checking in.

Annie said...

What do you think about the woman running for President of France?

I haven't heard of bunyips before - shall have to educate myself about them. Thank you, M. Benaut.

M.Benaut said...

Thanks, Lynn,
Their Aussie accents leave a bit to be desired though.

I heard her Bless'd Majesty speaking French this week on the occasion of the 60th anniversary of the Battle at Vimy Ridge, on La Plaine de Lens near Arras where about 300 Canadian soldiers lost their lives so sadly dans la Deuxième Guerre Mondiale.
I couldn't understand a word the poor woman said, whereas mon Chef de Service spoke delightful English.
That's why I put him on, so to speak !!

M.Benaut said...

Sorry, that should be 'over 3000 Canadians', with respect to the Canadians.

M.Benaut said...

You should have been at their exit interviews. They had tears in their eyes, and it's not even July.

While the (Parti Socialiste), Socialist Party in France would dearly love to see Ségolène Royal become the first female Président de la République, it probably won't happen. I think that Nicolas Sarkozy (Union pour un Mouvement Populaire), possibly stands the better chance of the two despite the dislike between himself and Chirac as a result of Sarkozy ditching his former 'amoureuse'; Chirac's daughter, Claude.
While all this has nothing to do with the election, it's fascinating reading.
François Bayrou, (Union pour la démocratie française), is the next likely contender but I'm not up on the opinion polls, but I think he has a chance.
Last but not least is the walking, talking, enigma,
Jean-Marie Le Pen, (Front national), who denies the Haulocaust, but sailed through the first voting round as he usually does.
After the elections, it seems that M. Chirac will have some answers to come up with. Something to do with a word ryhming with korruption. Je ne sais pas quoi !!

Now, as for Bunyips, we live with them every day in Australia and they are a very common sight.
Highlight this link, below, for a better explanation.

I hope this helps.

Sally said...

Villepin's hair remains the 9yh wonder of the world after Bob Hawke's. I wonder what "silver bodgie" is in French?

M.Benaut said...

I reckon he would be a Voyou Argenté ?

Jing said...

mm..i like the expression of each model...
what were they thinking when you shot??

nice Sunday

shanghai daily photo

alice said...

I don't want to believe that the same thing than on 2002 with le Pen could happen again and I hope everyone go to vote. Well, I respect all the opinions but this guy is not respectable.
Sorry, I don't know the word "bodgie",so I am not able to translate it, but yes, Dominique is really handsome!

M.Benaut said...

regard the words, hooligan, idiot, moron, imbecile;
in the 1960's we had Mods, Rockers, Bodgies, Widgies (girl bodgies) and then came the surfing generation, the Beach Boys and then California dreaming.
Perhaps a bodgie was a young man with his hair slicked back like a Greaser or Hood as in the TV series Happy Days. Think of John Travola in "Grease".
In Australia, that was called a bodgie. Kool.

M.Benaut said...

Jean-Marie le Pen !!!
Mein Gott.
En Australie, ils mangeraient ses testicules pour le petit déjeuner. Alors ils les cracheront dehors !!!

M.Benaut said...

Quand je suis aussi vieux que M. Villepin, j'aurai la couleur bleu-clair des cheveux. Il est plus approprié dans la partie méridionale du monde, peut-être ?

alice said...

M.Benaut, je vote pour vous!

Marie said...

Ah ah M. Benaut, do you really fréquentez des "crooks"?