De temps en temps on doit jouer un jeu de Pétanque avec ses amis.
Naturellement un doit manger quelque chose, afin de mettre à jour la force.
Pauvre Jean-Pierre a besoin de beaucoup de force pour jouer ce jeu.
Should we eat or play Boules; that is the question ? From time to time one must play Boules with one's friends. Naturally one must eat something, in order to maintain the strength, like Poor Jean-Pierre who needs a fair bit of strength to play this game.
We were introduced to Boules in Lyon, France when we went to visit the family of our French "son" who had spent some time with us in the US. It requires a great deal of skill, doesn't it?
Great fun. Again! The food looks yummy too, just when i'm feeling starving.
A bbq!!! Only Nebraska in January can make one pine for a bbq like I am now.
Poor Maria - pop on over and we will light the BBQ for you.
My little sister, Tanya, is in both photos. She is the one in the red jacket in the top photo and the one with modestly downcast eyes in the second photo. Pretty little thing, isn't she?
She certainly is, Mme.
And did you really eat all that?
I love the couple on the right in the bottom photo; they personify all that is truly admirable in Australian culture. Wonderful! Bring them to England in the summer so I can buy them a drink.
Hee hee Dive. That was the chicken for 8 people on that plate plus there were 16 lamb loin chops and a number of lamb and rosemary sausages too!
Moi, je préfère manger seulement, je n'aime pas jouer à la pétanque.
Le barbecue a l'air sympa !
I agree with Dive - love those two!!!!
Why are you wearing jackets in the Sth Australian heat wave - is this some masochistic take on the game???
Because, in the hills, it might be 30° during the day but after sunset it cools rapidly; not like at 'bitumen-central', - the city, or by the coast.
Nonetheless, we try to be masochistic if an occasion jumps out at us.
And we love dirty feet !!!
enfin un sport qui me plaît voir des amis discuter ou s'engueuler sur des points litigieux.
Boire un petit verre de rosé bien frais et faire un barbecue.
Elle est pas belle la vie ?
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