Pendant que Sascha m'aide sur l'ordinateur, (elle marche sur le clavier quand j'affiche mes postes, ces petits CHATS sont très occupés. Ils creusent des trous inutiles dans mon endroit préféré, la Place de Victoria.
Aujourd'hui le soleil brillait et le jour était chaud. Très bientôt vous verrez le résultat final et la raison pour ces trous idiots.
We have cats of various colours in Adelaide.
While Sascha helps me on the computer, (she walks on the keyboard when I post my photos), these little CATS are very busy. They dig useless holes in my favourite place, Victoria Square.
Today the sun was shining and the day was warm. Very soon you will see the final result, and the reason for these crazy holes.
Can't see any pciture of the cat. The cathedral Fig is OK, same thing for other pictures, but no cat.
Ohh je ne peut pas voir le chat! Il a disparu. She sounds fun though.
Is that a Cheshire Cat, Monsieur B?
My cats (Katie and Benson) do the same thing. If I am reading they sit on the book, if I am typing they sit on the keyboard. Attention seeking aren't they?
Je suis d'accord Lynn...I don't see anything either! Maybe it was you passing around that nasty little problem... ;-)
Michael, the very thought! It is Blogger alone. M. Benaut needs to load another one. Of course then, two hours later, two will appear. Ah well.
Mes amis, ils sont des CATERPILLARS, ( the world’s leading manufacturer of construction and mining equipment).
You were obviously looking for PUSSYCATS.
Vive la difference !
Thats kind of poetic really, the two reaches swan diving into the pavement.
Caterpillars? Mining equipment? I was hoping for the big furry SCARY looking ones so we could tease Lynn some more. Now me - I am afraid of mining equipment so as long as that photo doesn't appear is fine with me.
I am sure it's just a technical problem mes aussie friends. You know, Local Area Network in Australia : The LAN down under.
Seems like they dig up Victoria Square every few years! Hope there are no bodies buried there! Obviously not an Aboriginal Sacred Site! .... well, maybe not so obviously!
Like Kate's thoughts of them "swan diving" into the pavement. So much more acceptable!
Oh zut alors, où est le chat ?
Michael, tres drole. Mais, encore il n'y a pas des photos! Machine ou chat, ils ne sont pas la.
I'm quite brave at Cheltenham today though...:)
Ah now i see the pic! Huge yellow arms of machinery all over the place.
I didn't know that you shortened the word caterpillars, that's why I got "tricked" (don't know whether that is the right word). We call them caterpillars in French too. But most French people do not know that caterpillars (little animals) are chenilles :-))
son of a gun, I heard there was a photo of a caterpillar on your site, I have a similar type of machinery on my site today.
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