Aujourd'hui a été un jour, très chaud pour août (27°, le jour d'août le plus chaud en 12 ans) et les koalas cherchent la nourriture dans les gum trees. Ils mangent les feuilles d'eucalyptus et pissent sans interruption sur n'importe qui ci-dessous.
La deuxième photo a été prise quelques kilomètres loin d'ici. Elle montre une photographie de plan rapproché de notre ami avec la fourrure.
Today has been a day, very hot for August ( 27°, the hottest August day in 12 years) and the Koalas are looking for food in the Gum Trees. They eat the eucalyptus leaves and continuously piddle on anyone below.
The second photo was taken a few kilometres away from here. It shows a close photo of our furry little friend.
We've been having a debate about what to call this fellow - a very large male koala - in one of our trees next to the tennis court. Perhaps "Max" after 'pepsi max' since his favourite female is koka kola and their offspring we called pepsi. Yes, I think it will be Max. If you click on the photo, you will see Max having his entree as the sun begins setting. Bon appetit, Max.
Max is gorgeous!!!!!!
Look at his face, he looks so cool as someone who's minding his own businnes, looking for the eucalyptus leaves...
What a privilege to be able to get so close to them. Is it very small? I guess koalas are not very big animals, is that right?
Boy, that is one tetchy looking koala, MB.
He looks like he's just waiting for someone to walk underneath him …
Wow, your days in winter are just as hot as ours in summer in the south of France!
Enjoyed this gum tree and koala post, a real tourist trap !
BTW,went back to your previous posts and really enjoyed Captain Smirk's smile.
I can't believe this thing about his staff trying to remove all reference to his nickname in the Wikipedia entry. It's hilarious !
Your posts are a fascinating insight into Aussie life, I will read them with even more interest now that I no longer live there, just to keep in touch:
This one in the tree was as big as I have seen. They can attain about 14 Kg.
They have been known to fall out of trees, but only when British chaps and Morris Dancers are in the vicinity.
Bonjour, et un grand, chaleureux accueil, encore.
If you have a wish list, then let's have it. I hope that Avignon is as French as when you were last there.
They probably say you have an Aussie accent, when you say 'gdaymateow y's allgoin'. I hope so.
Great pictures from Australia ! The answer about department 72 is : the car race 24 hours of le Mans and the "rillettes" .It is a kind of pâté but only with pork meat and salt. We eat them with bread. Our American and German friends like very much !
Nous n'avons pas eu aussi chaud en Normandie ces jours ci, et pourtant nous sommes en été!!
Magnifiques petites bêtes, qui n'existent que chez vous et que j'ai vu en photos, mon ami m'en a rapporté une, mais c'est un koala en forme de broche pour mettre sur le revers de mon manteau.
In Brisbane, my house is just down the road from Lone Pine Sanctuary where all the koalas live. On my computer desk is a photo of the girls and I nursing a koala there when the girls were small - oh the memories!! Thanks M Benaut!!!!
I agree with you, Madame...he looks like a Max :> He's cute, but those are rather intimidating claws (good for climbing, no doubt).
These guys are so cute---from a distance!....nice picture.
The koalas are too sympatic
it is necessary to take umbrellas not to have a problem
Quelle personne prend un parapluie à la toilette ?
C'est trop rigolo ces animaux. Ils ont presque des têtes de perroquets.
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