La chirurgie de mon docteur est un bâtiment moderne, créé par un créateur très doué.
Quand je lui rends visite, nous parlons d'habitude de la planche à voile et les barbecues et la chasse du poisson.
La santé est quelquefois discutée depuis quelques secondes, aussi.
En janvier nous attraperons quelque l'orphie ensemble, et nous assiérons près du barbecue chez Goolwa, avec un petit verre de Chardonnay (ou de sept) !)
I love my doctor.
My doctor's surgery is a modern building, created by a very talented designer.
When I pay him a visit, we usually talk about wind surfing and barbecues and catching fish.
Health is sometimes discussed for a few seconds, also.
In January we will catch a few garfish together, and sit by the barbecue at Goolwa, with a small glass of Chardonnay (or seven) !)
My doctor's surgery is in a converted barn in the next village.
It's lovely, but not as lovely as my doctor is.
Wow! Doctor Amanda! Drool …
Try as I might, I just can't get sick enough.
Hmm Dive i met a new young male doc at ours too...sigh... i could see his lips move but couldn't hear what he said really.
Ours is about to change if planning goes ahead. At present we have three surgeries, hoped to merge into one big one. Will it be better? I'll let you know.
Mme: thank you for the so touching message you left for my father at Things UK! They're out at the moment but i can't wait to ring and tell them they have a comment xx
Lynn, If I had a lady doctor, I would watch to see if her lips moved, too.
Lip reading can be fun ! - and at the doctor's, too.
Dive, I love your use of 'drool', more than your use of that other word, mon ami !!
What a lot of innuendo - I wonder who will 'fess up?
The designer of this wonderful surgery is of course, my very own, talented and creative, M.B.
I attend a different clinic - at Stirling - and I have a lady doctor, Natasha who would make both M.B and Dive and possibly Lynn too, drool. I also have a male doctor for the times when Natasha may be occupied - Sinclair and he's a bit drooly too; not that drool actually falls from his rather lovely lips which do move when he is talking and, somewhat strangely, I hear every word that he says. He's been rather attentive to my right foot lately.
ton médecin est excellent : un petit verre ou deux de Chardonnay est un très bon médicament !!
We hope for you that your doctor love you too ;-) Because your health is in his hands....
Wow m benaut a man of so many talents and now another one - I'm impressed - great building!!! I'm having renovations planned at the moment for our Brisbane house - if I only knew.......
I have a lovely lady doctor - but she is no oil painting. I would love her if her fees were lower!!!
lol Mme well attendance on a lady's foot is surely good. (goodness i feel all Victorian all of a sudden) The idea is most acceptable.
so Modest Monsieur tis your work. Fantastic. I never knew this was your line. Does Dive?
I like my doctors too. Actually they are very handsome and when I see them I am already half cured (is that the right word?).
Quand j'ai un problème de santé, je vais dans un cabinet médical où il y a deux médecins........
Yes Jules, M.B is an architectural designer and without any modesty on my part, very much in demand for his brilliant and beautiful work.
Lol Lynn - we behave in a most Victorian manner.
Lynn: yes, Dive knows.
Medecin ami, medecin sympa ! Est-ce-qu'il te soigne aussi bien qu'il est bon ami avec toi ?
I love the word 'drool' too, almost as much as reading all of your comments.
I wonder if you 'bloggers' realise that there are millions of us (almost) silent blog readers loving every word you write. My computer day is not complete without 'Dive', 'Lynn', 'Jules', 'Eric', 'Abe Lincoln', 'MB', 'MME' and lots more, your dedication to this media is very much enjoyed.
Recently I was told if a man drools out of both sides of his mouth at the same time... he is 'on the level'.
Oh Rob how kind! Don't be a silent blog reader then; we are shamelessly drinking your every compliment and interest. Ok maybe i'm speaking for myself. I adore it and can take any amount. Yeah, i don't get out much. Welcome, Rob. I'm positively drooling.
That reflect my experience visiting my ophthalmologist that the clinic itself is a form of art
I'm off to the opthalmologist today. It consists of a corner office in a ward with some presumably very expensive equipment, a chair and some mags (like; who wants to read when they're going to the EYE doc? I ask you.) No the building itself is not pretty.
Hi Rob :) lol
Hello Rob - wow, what a wonderful compliment. You are most welcome to visit us any time because, as Lynn mentioned, we just love the attention!
Just an update folks: I saw the lovely Sinclair this morning, together with a chinese intern called Chen. Now Chen isn't the drooling sort but he did tell me to stop walking so much and put my foot up. Sinclair attended, in a most Victorian fashion, to my right foot while I attempted yoga in the form of sitting on a bench next to his desk and putting my entire leg - well from the calf down - on his desk. He swabbed and is sending off a culture to the Institute of Medical and Veterinary Science to see exactly what type of infection I have - he suspects Staph. Responding very slowly to a massive dose of antibiotics. They disagreed on the subject of removing the stitches - apparently it is common for these type of operations to leave them in for 2 weeks. Chen thought they should come out so the wound would open and the infection be able to "escape" - this fellow is from Beijing and isn't all that familiar with English yet. Sinclair however won this argument and the stitches are staying in until next Thursday when I see the surgeon who started all this mess. I'm off to lie down now and take the weight off my feet!
BTW Lynn I have a lovely eye doc too and he just prescribed new lenses for me so I can see what the ... is going on Mme
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