Un jour il fait 32°C, le lendemain, plus que 40mm de pluie!
Ce matin, nous nous sommes réveillés, pour voir la pluie, tonnes d'elle. Ce soir, l'allée est érodée mal. (C'est de 200 mètres de long).
De toute façon, le dimanche, nous volerons à Sydney, (Yippee !!), pour porter le costume de Père Noël pour William et pour l'enseigner à marcher.
Vous pouvez être tout à fait sûr que William fera ceci pour la première fois à la semaine prochaine. Il y aura beaucoup de photographies et je vous en montrerai.
One day it's 32°C, the next day over 40mm of rain.
Today we awoke to rain, lots of it. Tonight the driveway has been partially washed away.
Anyway, on Sunday, it's back to Sydney, to dress up like Father Christmas for William and to teach him to walk. You'll definitely see some of the photos. Yippee !
Isn't it just beautiful Monsieur? We really needed that downpour and the cooler weather was most welcome.
De la chaleur et de la pluie, cela va être tout vert !
Yep, the whole place will be green, soon. It's really very tropical at the moment.
Mais oui ! Tout l'endroit sera vert, bientôt.
Il fait vraiment très tropical à l'heure actuelle.
Il est deux heures le matin, maintenant, et il pleut fortement sans interruption.
Now that's a much better sight to see than bush fires.
You certainly do seem to get the extremes of weather down there.
I hope you can use all of that rain. We had a drought this summer but have since made up for it this winter.
For us old folks, it is a weary time of year. So as it winds down may I wish you and your family a very happy and healthy holiday and a prosperous new year.
Abraham and Patty Lincoln
Brookville Daily Photo
Brookville, Ohio USA
Est-ce que c'était un gros orage? Ca a l'air bien vert et bien beau chez vous !
It has been amazingly different weather lately, Marie.
We have had dry, hot days around 37 degrees and we thought we may never see rain again.
These rain storms are most unusual for December in Adelaide. At the moment the sun is bright and hot, (at 8 heures le matin). But across, on the next hill, the clouds are black and the rain is beating down, heavily. In a few minutes, it will 'bucket down', here again.
The birds are all singing loudly. I can hear Magpies, Crows, Corellas, Wattle Birds and Kookaburras. The racket is amazing !
Everything will definitely be green, and quickly too.
Naturally, it rained, only because I washed my car the other day. That is how one makes rain in Australia; one washes the car. It works every time !!
How wonderful - rain!!! Queensland has also had some. Apparently some dude back in 1958 predicted that 2008 was going to be the wettest year ever.
BTW Benson has been up on the computer typing a long message to your comment on my blog yesterday. Don't know what it is all about????
Sounds like he is getting better.
He'll need that leg, again in a day or two !
Precipitation you don't have to shovel...how lovely!
Yes Terroni - no snow here. But then again, it is summer. This photo was taken from the deck outside our "morning room", ie on the eastern side of the house. You can see our beautiful Golden Elm tree and the Norwegian Maple too, underneath which is a long row of agapanthus about to burst into purple flowers. The tree stump is a feature I've been contemplating for about 3 years. It hides the watering system for the rest of the garden so is a naturally good protection for that. I usually have a large pot with strawberries growing in it, sitting on top of it but I think it should come down to ground level. What do you think?
So glad SA is getting some rain.
Funny, we both posted the same car in the weather!
I have commented on the building materials for my shed.
Have a very merry time in Sydney ... you'll make a great Father Christmas! Especially if you eat all that Pavlova!
Yay, welcome back Dennis.
Ripper, Dennis, nice to see you 'on deck' once more.
I sort of wondered if the cars were the same. Yours was a bit disguised by all that white funny stuff.
Steve and Anne say a lot of nice things, including "g-day", mate !!
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