À Sydney, les citoyens là, ils ont une approche différente à la vie, quand on les compare aux habitants d'Adelaïde. Ils débarquent du bac comme les hommes fous, et montent partout leurs ponts. Cependant, ils marchent en parc, juste comme chacun autrement !
Peut-être c'est seulement folie de Noël.
Christmas madness
In Sydney, the citizens there, have a different approach to life, when one compares them with Adelaide people.
They disembark from the ferry like mad men, and climb all over their bridges. However, they walk in the park, just like anyone else !
Beauty Benny... Bridge, Boy and Blokes... doing ???
'please explain'
Glad to see you made it back to some warm weather!!
I think I remember something about that 'bonnet' thing but have long forgotten. Was it a VW bonnet?
Hope you had a great Christmas in Sydney town.
Bon jour Herr Schaussengraben,
Sehr frohe Weihnachten zu Ihnen, mein Freund.
These are all part of a series that I call Boys Walking, or "Garçons Marchent".
In Sydney they have different customs to those we feel comfortable with.
They crawl up the wall at the Double Bay Ferry stop, they crawl up the Coat Hanger and the only normal thing they do, is to walk normally in parks.
It is probably caused by the water and that strange code of football that makes them go troppo. And !! - You should see how they drive. Crikey; no wonder all the taxi drivers come from the Ukraine and Ghana.
Yes, it's nice to be in 42° C, but Sydney was honestly a hoot !!
I took nearly 800 photos; about 5 gigabytes worth ! More to come - mein Freund.
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