Saturday, 15 December 2007

On pourrait penser, que c'était le Luftwaffe

Parfois, sur l'île Kangourou, les pélicans pensent que nous
aimons attraper des poissons, juste pour eux, seulement.
C'est pourquoi ils suivent le bateau et montent avec élégance par l'air vers nous.

One might think that this was the Luftwaffe !!
Sometimes, on Kangaroo Island, the pelicans think that we are catching fish, just for them, only.
That is why they follow the boat and soar gracefully through the air towards us.


Cheltenhamdailyphoto said...

Gosh what a great photo, not only of the wonderful pelicans but of the sea! mmmmmmmm.

M.Benaut said...

Merci, Lynn, this is what you will see, - and eat, - les poissons, when you come down under, my dear !

AND..... Today I became a grandfather again.
A beautiful little baby girl; in Switzerland !!!!
We are all over the moon !!!!

claude said...

C'est une esquadrille de charme ! Congratulations Grandpa ! Un petit Suisse ! Fille ! bravo !

Jilly said...

Fabulous shot. How I love pelicans.

and many congratulations on the arrival of your granddaughter. I do believe I can hear the champagne cork popping in Adelaide!

Marie said...

Très jolie photo. Ah, le pélican, il a inspiré beaucoup de poètes.

Musset par exemple :-)

Quel que soit le souci que ta jeunesse endure,
Laisse-la s'élargir, cette sainte blessure
Que les séraphins noirs t'ont faite au fond du cœur;
Rien ne nous rend si grands qu'une grande douleur.
Mais, pour en être atteint, ne crois pas, ô poète,
Que ta voix ici-bas doive rester muette.

Bergson said...

tiens vous pêché aussi le pélican ?

Michael Salone said...

Congratulations! In the U.S., it's a stork who brings new babies into the world. Could it be that downunder the pelicans have the honour?

Me thinks the Benauts are taking over the world. Could it be?

Maria said...

When I look out my window, all I can see is ice and snow. This is like rest for my tired, cold eyes.

Jules said...

A granddaughter - how wonderful - I hope she looks like her grandmother!!! Photos to come I hope!!!

What's the poem about the pelican - something about "his beak can hold more than his belly can"

Terroni said...

I'm with and snow here. All the birds have flown south.

Oh what a bird is a pelican
His beak can hold more than his bellican
What he eats in a week
He holds in his beak
And I'll be damned if I know how the hellican ;>