Our meeting time was 16h:00 outside notre hôtel dans la Place de l'Horloge, and although I had known Nathalie for such a long time at Sydney Daily Snap, I was apprehensive and even a little timid.
This woman did not suffer fools, neither gladly nor in any fashion.
One would have to mind one's p's and q's !
My fears were put to rest. Nathalie arrived, à pied, at 16h:07 and voila!
She was all there, all smiles and an all-Aussie girl (in the nicest French sort of way).
We all kissed and hugged, - I had long since learned how many times and on how many cheeks one could plant how many kisses and get away with it. If one kissed one's godfather, who only shaved once a month, you could expect four kisses, Ouch!!
But comme un touriste ignorant, a couple more kisses could be slipped in ? ( I would recommend that any of my friends visit France. They are very good at lots of things, there !)
With kissing on temporary hold and a lovely warm afternoon at our disposal we accepted with delight, an invitation to visit Nathalie's home and drinks on her roof-top terrace, just a stone's throw away, along Avignon's belles petites rues.