There have been floods in Queensland, but unfortunately, the water will never reach South Australia.
People need a ladder 3 metres long, to climb down to their boat, here.
Il y a eu des inondations en Queensland, mais malheureusement, l'eau n'atteindra jamais l'Australie-Méridionale.
Des gens ont besoin d'une échelle de 3 mètres de longue, pour descendre à leur bateau, ici.
We are having a draught here as well.
Crikey, Floridians are outnumbering us.
So far every commenter today is from Florida (!!!) and if you want to see the launch of the most recent Space Shuttle, take a gander at B Squared's blog; COOL !!
(Seriously;- thanks for coming so far south B SQuared; it's great to have you aboard !
"Crikey" is right! Does that make me less special? Hmmm Seriously, I hope the drought is over soon enough M.Benaut. How else will we swim?
Hi Michael, - (as I predicted, from Florida !!!)
You are special to the entire blogland population.
A bit like a St. Peter at the gates, - he who knows everything and everybody.
Blogland depends on you Michael.
Lynn is busting to marry you.
We are busting to see you again.
Monica needs photos of mountains.
Australia (and William) are busting for a new TGV or just a common old AGV.
How else will we swim?
Let's put some frequent flyer points together and sneak off somewhere really hot !
Somewhere really hot like Florida?
Sounds good to me... but our alligators are much smaller than your crocs and our bears aren't as cuddly as your koalas. We have plenty of snakes and spiders though, so shouldn't be a problem for you two.
Now, where DID I stock those frequent flyer miles???
Certains ont trop de pluie et d'autres pas assez. Tout pendant que le fond des bateaux ne touchent pas le fond de l'eau, tout baigne comme on dit (tout va pour le mieux !).
Puisque l'hiver est proche, aurez-vous bientôt de la pluie? Ici nous en avons eu hier toute la journée et ça nous a suffi :-)
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