Cette semaine j'ai été malade, j'ai blessé mon dos, ainsi les choses sont toutes à l'inverse ici.
Cependant je dois vous montrer une raison d'apprécier Adelaïde. Peut-être il est votre raison de préférer Sydney.
For Sale in Sydney; $5,000,000, CRIKEY, - One reason for liking Adelaide
This week I have been "crook", a bad back, so things are a bit topsy turvy here.
However I must show you one reason to like Adelaide. Perhaps it is your reason to like Sydney !
Prices for house are going up every where in the world.
Today on my blog I suggest a visit photographic tour of Château in a few clicks.You simply duplicating the following address in your browsers.
Enjoy your visit. http://chateau-gontier-daily-photo.blogspot.com/
My goodness a bad back - poor M Benaut - now tell us why? What were you doing just prior to getting a pain in your back - were you swinging off the chandelier maybe????
I went into a coughing fit when i saw the price. My God it is a nice view but not as nice as mine!! How much would this spot in Rabaul be worth if it was in Sydney???? Cough! Cough!
Wow! Only two hundred grand (sterling) for a view of the harbour that good?
If it hadn't got noisy kids next door I'd have put this place on the market first thing Monday morning!
I hope your back gets better real soon, Monsieur B. I know haw shitty that can be.
No worries, cobber.
BTW, 5 million Aussie dollars = 2.18 million of your folding stuff. Sorry to disillusion you !!
Goodness, just read you have a crook back. am so sorry and hope by now you are feeling better. Snap, as it happens. I'm off to the osteopath on Wednesday,
That's some view in Sydney... I'll forget the price!
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