From the summit of Mont Saint-Clair you could see much of my previous description in the background; - such as the St. Louis lighthouse on the breakwater, Le Canal-Royal, Bateaux de Pêche Industrielle, Une partie des quais du Port de Commerce.
But for now, - we are visiting the Chapelle de Notre Dame de la Salette, and some other "petit coin" !
Next:- It's Time for Dinner on the Quai du Général Durand.
What a lovely little chapel. Ilove those sailboats as well. It's dark and rainy here this morning. Your photos brighten the day. BTW, my new Paris photo blog is up and running and begging to be fed everyday just like my CDP blog! What was I thinking!!!!
That's a cute chapel, Monsieur.
I love the sign, too! Well spotted.
Sweet little chapel. Love the boat masts too.
J'adore le signe sur le pipi. Les Français (hommes) pissent n'importent où. Le signe aurait dû préciser qu'il s'adressait à ces cochons de messieurs et pas aux dames qui, elles, ne font pipi que dans les endroits réservés à ça. :-)))
Great to see photos of Marie too!!!
Thanks for your kind words MB they are most appreciated!!!!
Thanks Marie for your observations on pissing.
Naturally Australian men would look for the tower and not even dream of doing this near a chapel.
For my Aussie friends, The sign says, "Please do not urinate (here). The dunnies are below the (communications) tower (by the parking area) "
And this is what Marie says,
"I adore the sign about weeing.
French men piss no matter where.
The sign should have specified that it was addressed to these pigs of men and not to the ladies who wee only in the places reserved for that."
Naturally, I left a little Australian culture behind but I did not see any indiscriminate French pissing.
Perhaps it was my good example ?
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