Ce matin, M. Murphy de Murphy's Transport Solutions, n'a eu aucune solution. Cet embouteillage a étendu presque un mille.
L'Autoroute Adelaide-Crafers, est 10 kilomètres de long. Il rejoint Adelaide à Crafers dans les collines d'Adelaide, avec un tunnel de tube jumeau de 500 mètres de long (le Tunnel Heysen), le premier de sa sorte sur la Route Nationale.
J'étais plus chanceux. Je pourrais conduire à 110 km/h avec l'appareil-photo en dehors de la fenêtre.
This morning, young Murphy of Murphy's Transport Solutions, had no solution. This traffic jam stretched for nearly a mile. On the other hand, I was luckier. I was cruising at normal speed with the camera doing its own thing.
Les embouteillages, c'est vraiment l'horreur !
Evelyne joue du violon dans l'orchestre national de Montpellier. Elle est très mince mais elle a de très bons muscles !
Il fait froid à Montpellier !
I trust you were not the CAUSE of this traffic jam, Monsieur?
Much better to be on the other side of the jam, yes?
Very nasty looking traffic! Good to know that we here in Seattle are not the only ones in the world facing traffic congestion like this.
Traffic congestion is certainly an international problem. How to fix it??
Blogger is being temperamental and is giving me a hard time uploading my images, and just when I'm approaching my 500th post!!
Gosh - I so hate traffic and even though I have bad days up here with ash and phone lines etc I still don't have to put up with this!!!
This is when you wish cars could jump n'est ce pas????
Tu as raison, tu étais a lucky driver, mais dis moi c'est dangereux de prednre une photo en conduisant à 110km/h ! Ce n'est pas sérieux m.Benaut !
You have a traffic jam too. Glad to see everyone gets to experience them. LOL.
Oh, the traffic is very boring and irritating!
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