GlenOsmond, est tous deux, la porte d'entrée et la porte d'embarquement pour des visiteurs arrivant et quittant Adelaïde.
Quand ce carrefour principal a été amélioré, il y a plusieurs années, un sculpteur d'Adelaïde, Tony Bishop, a conçu cette sculpture intéressante. Il l'appelle, la Forêt de Fossiles.
Jusqu'ici, les camioneurs préfèrent s'écraser contre le mur du côté gauche de la route. Par conséquent, la forêt de fossiles reste à la bonne santé pendant le moment actuelle !
J'ai pris cette photo aujourd'hui, un jour nuageux, mais vous avez vu ce carrefour précédemment, sur un jour plus ensoleillé.
Glen Osmond is the Gateway to (and from) Adelaide. When this busy intersection was upgraded a few years ago, Adelaide sculptor, Tony Bishop designed this sculpture which he entitles, the Fossil Forest.
So far, the 'truckies' have managed to dodge it, preferring instead, the wall on the left side of the road !
Hi Mme&M.Benaut!! How are my favourite people in Australia doing?
How are the plans to the Paris trip going? Have you decided where to stay already?
Bonjour! Louis la Vache vous invite à visiter son nouveau blog de photo, "San Francisco Bay Daily Photo" à .
Louis écrit également "The Frog Blog of Louis la Vache" à et "Les Recettes de Louis la Vache" à
À bientôt!
When you enlarge this photo, the sculpture is most interesting but as shapes, it's a strange welcome to Adelaide. They look like a load of gas canisters.
Oui, Monica, Eric has suggested a nice place in the Passage Jouffroy in the 9e, and we will stay on a péniche in the 16e as well.
I'll send you some details and share some of the fun !
Louis, bienvenue à Adelaïde. Il me fait le grand plaisir de vous voir.
Or moon rockets, Jilly !!
On dirait des supositoires !
Wow! What a cool thing to do with concrete.
surprenante cette collection de menhir. J'aime le concept de cette sculpture
I like this, although I do note that many of the newer pieces are decidedly phallic in nature....
lol! I thought they were oversized bullets.
UGGGH! I really don't like these things but they are functional in nature. Any out of control vehicle coming down the freeway and headed for the gas station would be severely blunted when it hit the concrete.
Incidentally, M.B told me that just because something was ugly didn't mean that it wasn't worth posting.
It seems that the ladies don't like them much but the boys do. I wonder why? I think Maria might have guessed. Chuckle.
he he Mme! I am amazed that such measures are taken in the vague chances there might be an out of control vehicle coming down the road. I mean, what are the chances? We might as well all go out dressed in bubble wrap.
Thats is far too funny. You win the grand prize.
Merci beaucoup, mais je ne la comprends pas le menhir. L'argot ? Je ne peux pas le trouver. Peut-être quelqu'un m'aidera svp ?
A close second. We must have more detail !!
Can you see what this suggestion has done to my brain.
Each time I think of you............................ !!
You get the prize for teasing !
he he thanks!
J'ai pensé exactement comme Claude :-))) Ou alors des fusées, on se croirait à Cap Canaveral !
I have had discussions with friends, family and visitors about this sculpture, and no one knew what it was. My niece thought they were pencils. And I thought pencils representing different school subjects, espessially the ones with music and writing.
The other day I stopped there and took some photos and found a plaque that explained it.
It is supposed to represent the link between 560 million year old fossils found in SA and current flora. The sculptures are the form of pine trees and involes 6 live pine trees, behind the sculptures. Pine trees are the natural fauna of the area. Each "tree" is carved with a cultural theme.
Don't know if I like them or not, but they are an interesting and querky feature of Adelaide.
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