Jennifer Hawkins, une présentatrice de télévision australienne, fut Miss Univers en 2004.
Quand elle vient à Adelaïde elle aime sourire à moi. Pourquoi pas ? Je crois que je souriais à elle. Il y a beaucoup plus de filles avec de beaux sourires en Australie. Peut-être je dois vous montrer encore plus ?
Smiling at girls has its rewards.
Jennifer Hawkins won Miss Universe in 2004; now she's an Oz TV presenter for "The Great Outdoors".
When she comes to Adelaide she smiles at me. Why not ? I reckon I was smiling at her.
Vous êtes tellement beau garçon que toute les belles filles vous sourient!!
Love the top photo, she's very beautiful isn't she.
I didn't know who she was on the portal so had to come look. She's beautiful though.
Bergson, parce que vous êtes français, vous savez toutes ces choses. La France est la terre de l'amour, n'est-ce pas?
Lynn, Yep, and only inches away !
Barb, we breed 'em that way down here !!!
Nice to see you.
She is very beautiful. I did not know her either.
You should post photos of older Australian bachelors also :-)))))
Like you, I would stand there with a big smile on my face too. She is quite beautiful and very photogenic. Nice shot.
Well, aren't you lucky! She is so beautiful and looks so natural too.In the first photo her hair is curly and in the second it's straight?!
She's looking at me - I can see that.
Wow. Just her teeth alone are too beautiful to be true.
I can see that already this photo has more comments than your Defence Minister! What does that say?! Seriously M. Benaut, thank you for this very serious investigative reporting you are doing for your loyal readers. It's a hard job, but...
She is such a honey!
I love her genuine nature. Still fresh and innocent.
She may even be slightly better than Elle ... though why compare?
Do you think she'd be a hit on US tv? Silly question!
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