En réalité, il a fait tellement incroyablement chaud cette semaine et ce week-end, que mes amis se sont rassemblés à chez Judy pour le dîner et la natation, le vendredi soir.
Naturellement, les médecins sont de personnes étranges au meilleur des périodes et on les place ainsi à la même table !
Je suppose que vous pouvez deviner qui serait la troisième personne à cette table ? ? ?
Tu voulais qu'il fasse chaud! Te voilà servi.
Complaining will do you no good
It's been over 40°C for several days, here in Adelaide and one takes every opportunity to stay cool.
Even the medical profession can find cooling grimaces to assist the rest of us to feel cooler !
On Friday night, Judy fed and watered us royally and it was hard to leave.
However, even though it was 35°C in the city, the temperature in the hills at Aldgate was 18°C.
Figger that one out !!
Croyez-moi, on doit cliquer sur ces images
The folks in Florida would love to have about half of your temperature!
Wow. That water looks amazing and um so do the faces lol.
Absolutely freeeeezing here in the UK so we could both do with a swap.
Benaut, could you send us a little warm, a few sunrays, a patch of blue sky ?
Over here it is white and cold again. Snow was falling yesterday evening for the third time.
Enjoy your summer !
Mais il n'y a rien à manger sur la table!
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