Sur la périphérie du centre-ville se trouve les espaces verts.
Voici une vue en regardant vers le centre-ville et l'autre tourné vers les espaces verts.
Je suppose que cela prendrait de nombreuses années pour vous montrer toutes ces photos.
En tout cas, voici le premier de plusieurs.
The City of Adelaide was planned in 1836 and comprises a square mile of streets in a rectangular grid.
On the periphery of the city centre is the parklands.
Here is a view looking towards the city centre and the other looking towards the parklands.
I suppose it would take many years to show you all of these photos.
In any case, here is the first of many.
What a fun looking tram! I very much like the location you chose to make that photo ... the track junctions are great and I'm glad you included them.
Chuck, click on the photo and enlarge.
The tracks look terrible ! !
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