Il est situé à Stirling, derrière l'Hôtel de Stirling et on l'espère que ce sera le meilleur supermarché d'Adelaïde, avec la meilleure gamme de produits.
Combien de maris diront à leur conjoint qu'ils vont faire ses courses ! ? ! ?
Always tell the wife where you're going ....
At sunset on Friday, today, you can see that our new supermarket is nearing completion.
It is located in Stirling behind the pub and it is rumoured that it will be Adelaide's best supermarket, with the best range of produce.
"Excuse me dear, I'm just going to do the shopping ! "
Hi MB !
That reminds me I met My Chéri in the first big supermarket of Chateau-du-Loir !!!
I'll make sure to give you the shopping list every Friday morning darling so that you can shop either before or after drinks at the pub :)))
Sounds all good!
Une bien belle photo, sous un ciel superbe
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