Nous apprécions le novembre le plus chaud depuis 115 ans.
Ces jeunes femmes attendaient leurs amis au croisement du Rundle Mall et du King William Street en ville.
Avec la température atteignant 40° le reste de la population était sur la plage.
The colours of Summer
With the heatwave that Adelaide is currently experiencing, suddenly summer clothes and summer colours are 'de rigeur'.
We are enjoying the hottest November for 115 years.
These young women were awaiting their friends at the corner of Rundle Mall and King William Street.
The remainder of the population was on the beach in the 40° temperatures.
115? That is way too hot! It doesn't even get that hot in Florida!
Try 104° F !!
We reserve 115°F for visiting-friends from Florida.
Whereas you have high humidity in Ocala and Cedar Key Fl. we have dry heat. That can make it more bearable. The heat comes by north winds flowing south from the hot centre of Australia.
With 3 million square miles we generate a lot of heat.
Our latitude is like that of Monroe S Carolina.
ben chez nous l'automne est doux mais humide
bon courage
Les couleurs de l'été, oui, mais il y a la longueur des robes et des jupes aussi !!!!
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