Saturday, 9 May 2009

Les mauvaises terres à traverser et les plages, longues et blanches

La géomorphologie de la côte au sud de la capitale ici a beaucoup pour intéresser tant les gens du pays que les touristes.
On peut trouver des plages longues blanches sablonneuses et on peut trouver la « Topographie de Bad-Lands » tous les deux dans le même endroit.
Les géomorphologues cherche à comprendre pourquoi les paysages apparaissent la voie qu'ils font, pendant que le reste d'entre nous les apprécie.
Qui était-il qui a une fois demandé, "Pourquoi est cela ainsi ?"

'Badlands topography' and long, white, sandy beaches
The geomorphology of the coastline south of Adelaide here has much to interest both the locals and the tourists.
One can find long white sandy beaches and one can find "Badlands Topography", together here. Geomorphologists seek to understand why landscapes look the way they do while the rest of us enjoy them. 
Who was it that once asked, "Why is it so ?"


alice said...

Oh, Mister Benaut, even if I don't write a comment every time I come here, you are like an old blogger friend to me ;-) . It was a pity we didn't meet when you came in France but September has been a very busy time for me, my daughter leaving home for one year studying in Germany and my son leaving home at the same time for beginning a very difficult year ending with a hard competitive examination (in two weeks, we are crossing our fingers...). Two departures to get organized, two appartments to be found...So, September was not very easy to welcome you in Brittany... But, as I told you before, we spent 4 weeks in Australia on 2004, renting a camper van from Sydney to Cairns. It was like a dream and we want to believe we'll have the opportunity to go back again, in the south of your "wonder down under"!

M.Benaut said...

Ce que tu dis, est si vrai, Alice. Je suis d'accord avec toi.

Comme toi j'ai les (quatre) enfants, l'un en Allemagne, - Munich, puis Bâle, Londres et finalement à Sydney.

Espérons que nous vous verrons ici de nouveau dans le future proche.

Et, comme l'Espagnols diront, "mi casa, es su casa".

Stefan Jansson said...

Love the color of the water on the top photo. That beach looks like the perfect place for a promenade.

Cheltenhamdailyphoto said...

Looks gorgeous doesn't it. That's quite a hike!

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