No matter where you are on the face of the globe, IT'S AUSTRALIA DAY. We celebrate the landing of the Fist Fleet at Botany Bay, New South Wales on January 26 1788.
However grand an occasion that may be, here in South Australia we celebrate by a day at the beach or the cricket, some have friends around for a hit of tennis and the mandatory barbeque under the stars.
This young man elected to go to the beach wearing his baseball cap (from Santa Clara) and watch the world go by. The young ladies wore a range of various hats too and the local General Store Proprietor drove the 1.5 kilometers down the beach to sell icecreams and drinks.
If you Google search Maslin Beach you'll soon get the hang of it. HAPPY AUSTRALIA DAY TO ALL
Well imagine finding you here Matey! ;) You're too funny...cap from Santa Clara! =) I love it! And WOW! Look at that beach..waaaaaaaaaaaaaaah! No having Summer and shrimp-on-the-barbies and all while we're shivering our timbers off here on the top half of the planet! LOL!
Nice shot by the way (BTW!) and nice start to your blogdom! You're doing a great job socializing...and that's half the fun of it all AND a sure bet to pull in the bodies! That sounded to police-like! LOL! =)
And aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah....uh-huh..I gotchaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa troll-chaser you! LOL! Lynn should still be very afraid! You're forgiven! Sigh~ ;)
I LIED down below...ONE more small comment...NOOOOOOOOOOOOW I get the whole "troll" incident...DUH! LOLOL! Popped over to GF's site...and voila! Imagine finding someone still up over there! Too much...aaaaaaaaaaaaaah....what a RIPPER! ;) it! Hope ya didn't crack under pressure, opt for an ice cream (BRRRRRRRRR! in the middle of WINTER? OH! SUMMER! RIGHT!)...end up dropping the thing, while your eyes were averted, and end up with a coneful of SAND! LOL! Goofball! ;)
Good morning from a cold England..
Gorgeous photo's of the beach...
I had 5 uncles that emigrated to Australia, many many years ago, and they loved the country..
Looking forward to more pictures of that warm place....
and i had a grandmother who lived in Australia and New Zealand for three years.. anyone else?
That picture is terrible. Awful. Only because it makes me hideously jealous. It's freezing here. What are you doing to me M. Benaut.
Ditto! Not fair at all! And the beach looks wonderful!
Oh yeah, and Happy Australia Day to you!
Thanks Guys,
Actuellement, the water temperature is so nice, that you will just have to fantasize about lying on the beach or floating in the water. Bit hard to decide, really.
Une belle plage nue!
Oh no, that last detail did me in, M. Benaut, it really did. I think Michael should catch a flight to London where i'll join him and we'll come right over, with only trunks, books, writing pads and swimsuit in our bags. What else do we need.
As platonic blogfriends, natch. Had i been single though.. lol. ;) Michael?
Sunblock and floppy hat. Nothing starting with an 'S',
But you can bring your 'stress'. We'll rid you of it in a second. Shardonnay is suplied, silly!
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