With all Avignon's beauty resting in its original peace, the girls said goodbye and we quietly slipped below the Pope's pink parking place, au-dessous de son palais.
The silver car soberly made the decisions for itself and took us onto La Provençale, the Autoroute to Menton and Monaco, and as you can see from the bottom shot, France gave us a 34° day.
Jeudi a toujours été le jour le plus chanceux de la semaine !
Je suis très contente de vous retrouver en ligne, de retrouver Andréa, Avignon et Nathalie (que j'espère rencontrer bientôt). Il fait très beau à Montpellier aujourd'hui, j'ai chaud !!!!!!!!!!
Vos photos sont superbes!
Je suis rentrée en France avant-hier soir.
Il faut que j'aille à Adelaïde pour voir Mme et Nathalie à Avignon. Le web est fantastique.
Tiens Marie est de retour dans notre belle France !
Ah, we know you're back when you post photos of beautiful weemen, Monsieur.
But what on earth had you said to that lady behind Mme in the top photo? She looks like she wants to clobber you.
Snigger, she does indeed Dive!
Saw the dancing link M. Benaut; FAB !
Dive, I couldn't agree more. If you want to practice the killer look, learn it from her!
BTW if you want to see the pont d'Avignon in a very different kind of weather, turn to my own blog today; you'll see snow!
I'm just impressed to see the women squatting. My knees haven't allowed me to do that in years...
m.benaut, if I can correct you on one tiny detail of French grammar, your title should read "cette chanson n'est pas encore finie" with an e at the end because the adjective takes the mark of the feminine.
Ce livre n'est pas fini (masculine)
Cette chanson n'est pas finie (feminine).
Fun stuff, eh?
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