Le Pont Saint-Bénézet, Avignon,
«Commencé en 1177, par le pâtre Bénézet, originaire du Vivarais, qui se présenta à l'évêque d'Avignon, comme envoyé par Dieu, pour construire un pont sur le Rhône.
Sa construction payée avec des dons et des quêtes dura huit années.
Il mesurait environ 900 mètres de longueur sur 4 mètres de largeur et se composait de 19 arches légèrement exhaussées en ellipse. Il n'en reste que quatre aujourd'hui, dont une surmontée par la chapelle Saint-Nicolas (patron des Bateliers), on se trouvait le tombeau du fondateur, Saint Bénézet. Une chanson légendaire lui fit acquérir encore plus de renommée.»
The Pont d'Avignon, which is also known as the the Pont Saint-Bénézet, was begun in 1177, by the shepherd, Bénézet, a native of Vivarais, who presented himself to the bishop of Avignon, as having been sent by God, to construct a bridge across the Rhône.
Its construction, paid for by donations and collections, lasted eight years.
It measured about 900 metres in length by 4 metres wide and was made up of 19 arches "lightly raised in ellipse".
Today, only four of the arches remain, one of which is surmounted by the Chapel of St, Nicolas, the patron saint of Boatmen, where you can find the tomb of its founder, St Benezet.
And the legendary song made him acquire even more fame.
Jeudi a toujours été le jour le plus chanceux de la semaine !
Thus, 11th September began with the French sun promising more than an Australian bloke might expect.
The source of love and life jumped out at the day and the happy, lazy city of old Avignon stirred itself as if summer would last for ever.
Pourquoi pas ?
The tourists and the ants swarmed, - partout.
The Rhône rushed about its business and the Camargue was ever thankful.
People formed queues and bought tickets for things.
Not like in the XVe siècle. That was the mission for today.
To return to the 15 century, - if only for the time that a fleeting remembrance may be cherished, nurtured and kept safe.
Nathalie had made our stay a pleasure and today we were to dance.
And what better location than;- sur le pont d'Avignon.
Les Australiens font comm' ça
Et puis encore comm' ça
Sur le pont d'Avignon
L'on y danse tout en rond.
"Ce n'est pas une chanson "finie", ce qui peut expliquer le grand nombre de variantes qui existent.
Ainsi, tous les métiers de l'époque peuvent être repris."
Ce n'est pas une chanson finie.............
M.benaut is back in blogville? Now that's good news! Three cheers to you!
I love the link you provided ("ce n'est pas une chanson finie...") - visitors must click on it, what great fun!!!
Merci Nathalie,
Perhaps the chap in the video was me.
He looked pretty happy to be in Avignon !
Yay! Life is back to normal ...
Don't you just love the photo I took of Nathalie & MB walking together; discussing photography and belle Avignon?
First of all, welcome back Monsieur Benaut - and yes, Madame Benaut, my favourite is of Nathalie and MB walking perfectly in harmony. He's putting the world to rights, she is listening.
It's so nice to see your happy face after too long an interval.
(My fault, - of which I am ashamed. )
In a few hours we will be sailing along La Provencale to Menton.
A whole new batch of memories to publish.
And thank you so much for your email.
There's a bit more midnight oil to burn yet, n'est-pas ?
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