Le manoir a été incendié dans un feu de brousse en 1955 et le gouverneur, Sir Robert George, sa femme, un chat et le personnel ont eu la chance d'en réchapper.
Aujourd'hui, la tour et certaines chambres ont été restaurées.
Peut être qu'un jour cette ancienne grande demeure sera entièrement restaurée - on ne peut que l'espérer !
Marble Hill former Governor's residence
Between the tiny little towns of Cherryville and Ashton, in the hills, east of the capital, lie the ruins of the former Governor's residence.
The mansion was burnt to the ground in a bushfire in 1955 and the Governor, Sir Robert George, his wife, one cat and the staff were lucky to escape with their lives.
Today, the tower and some rooms have been restored.
One day this former grand mansion may be fully restored, - one can only hope !