Si vous conduisez le long d'une route et vous êtes frappé par un eucalyptus en baisse, alors, c'est la chance des Dieux.
Nobody died when this tree fell
After experiencing incredible heat and then amazing rain, during the month of november, you will understand why the trees are so stressed ! If you drive along a road and you are hit by a falling eucalyptus, then; that is the luck of the Gods.
Glad no one was badly injured! Good reporting series!
Contente que personne n'ait été blessé!
Il vaut mieux un pare brise cassé qu'un crâne enfoncé !
Je vois qu'il n'a pas que le ciel qui vous tombe sur la Tête...
Hi M B - ads for plastic surgery - pick me!!!!
Hope all is well in hot/cold/wet/dry/ Adelaide - gosh we'll have to rename it Melbourne II if the weather keeps changing so much!!!!
What are you doing for Xmas???
It’s that time of year again! I’m doing the rounds and apologising for my complete failure to more regularly offer comment on everybody’s incredible efforts for the year. I know how hard it can be to keep up with the daily grind of everyday posting, and want to thank you for your efforts.
I especially want to wish festive greetings for all from down here at [nearly] the end of the world, the bottom of Tasmania.
So, if you could delete whatever is not applicable, I’d like to wish you a very pleasant/merry/happy/wonderful/safe Amaterasu; Ashurall; Beiwe; Choimus; Christmas; Dazh Boh; Dongzhi; Goru; Hanukkah; Hogmanay; Junkanoo; Karachun; Koleda; Lenæa; Meán Geimhridh; Modranicht; New Years; Ras as-Sana; Rozhanitsa Feast; Şeva Zistanê; shōgatsu; Summer Solstice [if you're in the Southern Hemisphere]; Sviatki; Winter solstice [if you're in the Northern Hemisphere]; Yalda; Yule-tide; Ziemassvētki; and Коляда!
With a hearty three cheers from Kris, Jen, Henry and Ezra!
surement une belle frayeur et beaucoup de chance
Looks scary. Happy New Year! x
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